Parents and visitors are welcome in our school. For the safety of staff, students, and visitors, the office staff needs to be aware at all times of who is on campus. To make our school as safe and secure as it can be, we have designed certain measures to provide building security. All exterior doors and interior front hallway doors will remain locked during school hours. Entrance into the building will only be granted through the front door by ringing the doorbell located to the right of the front entry door. Once buzzed in, visitors are to go directly to the school office where you will sign-in and obtain a visitor's badge. While on school grounds you must wear your visitor's badge at all times. Please do not feel offended if staff members ask who you are or why you are in school. They are just looking out for the safety of all our students. It is important that parents and visitors never interrupt the learning environment, so please review the Visitor section of the Parent and Volunteer handooks for policies and procedures to follow while in the school building.